Category: Religion

CH. 12 – The Book of Abraham Is a Fraud

I often reflect upon how mormonism gained a footing and grew into the multi-billion dollar real estate holding company it is today. Mormons would point to the church's resiliency and…
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CH. 11 – The Marvelous Book of Abraham

The mistranslation of the "Book of Abraham" is the closest thing to a smoking gun I found while analyzing issues with the mormon church. The book, and its surrounding origin…
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6 Things I Learned in 2017

This year was turbulent and trying, tumultuous and terrifying, transitional and transformative. Here are my top 6 takeaways from 2017: 1. Complacency Is Dangerous If the ridiculous and criminal acts…
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The Mormon “Church” Is Disgusting

You spew naked hate, wrapped in the indignant flag of your false moral high ground. Your "church" is a sloppy stack of open lies, compounded by damaging invasive domination and…
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CH. 9 – Native American DNA Is Not Jewish

Thousands and thousands of Native Americans have had their DNA tested and not a single solitary one has come up with pre-Columbian Jewish markers. Not one. In fact, the DNA…
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CH. 8 – Book of Mormon Translation & Historicity Issues

My belief in Joseph Smith as divinely inspired had taken a huge and irreparable hit. So much of the church is based on -- and frankly focused on -- Joseph…
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CH. 7 – The Church Hides Damaging Truth

I was certainly bothered by finding out about Joseph Smith’s highly questionable behavior. I was satisfied by my own research into the primary sources that what I had found out…
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CH. 6 – Apologetic Spin

Frequently, there are two sides when there is controversy over beliefs: The Critics, who have the complaint or objection over the belief system, and The Apologists who defend the beliefs…
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Ch. 5 – Busting Polygamy Wide Open

What I read in the article about polygamy was shocking. I had been taught for four decades that polygamy was something that began with Brigham Young, and was only implemented…
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Ch. 4 – Starting to See the Truth

I clicked link within link within link to dozens of sites about the temple ceremony. I was hungry for information about what had been removed and what was hidden. At…
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Ch. 3 – Starting on a Path

I thought to myself that most members of the church would frown on me looking up the secret temple ceremony online. “It is sacred!” they would say. And at that…
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Ch. 2 – Discovering Mormon Temple Ceremony Changes

In 2009, I went to a movie with a friend and we were discussing an episode of HBO’s “Big Love” where portions of the super-secret Mormon temple endowment ceremony were…
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Ch. 1 – Scorched Earth

He was dead. I could see that he was dead. I could smell the blend of copper, ozone, and blood in the air as I looked down at the lifeless…
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Ch. 0 – Introduction

ExMo: How I Killed the Mormon God A Journey Out of the Mormon Cult and into Atheism By Aaron B. Case Summary of History This is a description of my…
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Now Is NOT the Time for Unity

There is a time to come together, to be all "Hands Across America", to celebrate the tossed salad of American political ideals. There is a time to set aside differences…
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This Is What Your Religion Looks Like to Me

I recently had a conversation with a friend about my atheism. In the spirit of helping her understand where I am coming from, I had asked if she believed in…
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Surviving Christmas as an Atheist in 6 EASY STEPS

As a semi-militant atheist ex-mormon, I sometimes find myself having a two-sided internal dialog in response to the fire-hose-level of religious pictures and messages that saturate and eventually drown my…
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Congrats to My LGBTQ Family & Friends

Today I celebrate that everyone in our nation is equally able to marry. It is about damned time we entered the 21st century. We should never decide the rights of…
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Dear Alabama Supreme Court

Your ruling is nothing more than a legalistic temper tantrum. Each of you should immediately resign the bench that you are clearly unqualified to occupy, and that you have immeasurably…
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Utah’s Mob Rule

I have immeasurable issues with Utah's mob rule oppression of civil rights (seriously, I could write a Stephen King sized novel). But for right now, let me focus just on…
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